Le 2014 Kia Sorento a fait partie de la même production Sorento entre 2014et 2015. Le/s Sorentos de cette production constituent pour la plupart les mêmes composants mécaniques avec seulement peu de variations entre une année et la suivante.
“I just stumbled to your site when trying to figure out how to change the headlight bulb on a 2005 Subaru Outback. The video was specific, clear, and broken into small steps - this was very helpful; you are now absolutely the first place I'll go for car care issues. Thanks! ”
“Excellent video for headlamp replacement. Thanks. ”
“This was a FANTASTIC video! I changed the entire headlight assemblies BY MYSELF! The most difficult part was disengaging the fasteners, as they were quite stiff. Other than that, it was easy. Saved me a couple hundred $$ - of course that's what the auto shop quoted me. Thanks! ”
“After watching this video I can say that I will be able to do on my own. ”
“Took me some time, sweat and tender loving muscle to coax the lamp lense block out of it's slot on my 2009 Chevy Cobalt, but I successfully replaced the left turn indicator lamp following your incredibly clear video. WOW DIY rocks! Thanks guys empowering us non-gear-heads to get under the hood! ”