Le 2014 Ford Taurus a fait partie de la même production Taurus entre 2010et 2019. Le/s Tauruss de cette production constituent pour la plupart les mêmes composants mécaniques avec seulement peu de variations entre une année et la suivante.
“Excellent help for someone who need help with fuses ”
“Just sending a quick note to say I like your site! I never knew my car even has a cabin air filter!! Thanks! ”
“Awesome site! Very specific and understandable, a real help to those who leave the big stuff to the experts but do try to maintain their cars as much as possible. I grew up working the Chiltons manuals, in which you better have a certain level of systems knowledge of a vehicle before you used the manuals. Good site...nice to have. Thanks ”
“Thank you very much. It made it a whole lot easier for me to change a simple turn signal bulb. I will be recommending your site to as many people as I can. And I'm sure I will be back. ”