Vidéo d'évaluation des consommateurs - 2018 Cadillac XT5 Premium Luxury 3.6L V6

Voiture repérée: 2018 Cadillac XT5 Premium Luxury 3.6L V6

The 2018 Cadillac XT5 Premium Luxury is relatively easy to maintain. Connecting your phone via Bluetooth isn’t a problem on account of the straightforward directions and touchscreen interface. The brake fluid reservoir has open access, allowing you to reliably monitor the fluid level. The oil drain plug and oil filter are quick to access without tools or panel removals, eliminating some of the hassle of an oil change.

However, the 2018 Cadillac XT5 Premium Luxury has a handful of downsides. Nearly all of the lights are LED, which means their entire bulb housings must be replaced should any of them burn out. The parking light in particular will require the wheel well lining to be pried back, which may be problematic given the rigid structure. You must make a long reach for the bracket and remove additional parts in order to replace the battery, which won’t make for reliable access.

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