Vidéo d'évaluation des consommateurs - 2014 Toyota Highlander LE 3.5L V6

Voiture repérée: 2014 Toyota Highlander LE 3.5L V6

The 2014 Toyota Highlander LE is a moderately difficult van to maintain, but shouldn’t be too hard for someone experienced in vehicle maintenance. Accessing the petcock for a coolant drain can be tough, as you will have to peel down a large panel from under the van. This is a problem, as you will have to contend with gravity as you complete this repair. To change the fog light reliably, you will have to reach through the wheel well lining. This lining can grow tight to the vehicle, and you will need to use a few tools in order to peel it back. You will have to lower the spare tire from under the van in order to access it. This can be tough, as the lowering mechanism can grow rusted to the vehicle over time.

Some things are not so problematic on the 2014 Toyota Highlander LE. The engine air filter is easy to change, as you only have to disengage a few fasteners in order to lift the cover for access. These fasteners are easy to disengage. Checking the oil level is easy to do, as the oil dipstick is easily accessible in the engine bay. The brake fluid reservoir is easily visible in the engine bay. This allows you to check and replenish the fluid level reliably.

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