The 2010 Mercedes C63 AMG is an easy car to maintain when compared to other similar models. Access to the headlights is very hassle-free, requiring only a reach behind the bulb housing and (possibly) a simple cover removal. The tail lights are easy to access as well, as they’re all located in one single bulb assembly and one single panel. The spare tire and jack kit are conveniently packaged in the trunk—easy to remove, set up, and operate.
However, not everything is perfect on the 2010 Mercedes C63 AMG. The fog lights can only be accessed from underneath the vehicle, behind multiple panels held on with many bolts. The oil drain plug and petcock are similarly located beneath the car and behind multiple panels, but even further back. The cabin air filter is difficult to access, as well, as it’s a cramped fit and requires the removal of many parts.
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