Vidéo d'évaluation des consommateurs - 2010 Lexus RX350 3.5L V6

Voiture repérée: 2010 Lexus RX350 3.5L V6

Due to the amount of panels covering many components of this vehicle, the 2010 Lexus RX350 is a moderately difficult car to maintain. You will have to remove many of those panels in order to reliably access the battery. This will require a few tools to complete, and is much more problematic than on other models. The engine coolant fluid reservoir is not located in an overly visible spot in the engine bay. This will make it tough to keep an eye on the level markers and refill the fluid. Changing the fog light can be a problem, as you will have to peel back the wheel well lining for reliable access. This lining can grow tight to the vehicle, and be difficult to peel back.

Some things are less of a problem on the 2010 Lexus RX350. Both sets of tail lights are easy to access on this vehicle. You only have to peel back one panel for access to any of the bulbs, and these panels are easy to peel back. The cabin air filter is easily accessible in the rear of the glove box. There are designated panels for your convenience that are no problem to remove. Checking the oil level is easy to do, as the oil dipstick is easily accessible in the engine bay.

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Hans Angermeier ha producido más de 100,000 videos que muestran a los conductores cómo arreglar cosas en sus autos. Tiene una amplia experiencia en procedimientos básicos de reparación que cubren la mayoría de los automóviles en la carretera.