Vidéo d'évaluation des consommateurs - 2007 Kia Sportage LX 2.7L V6

Voiture repérée: 2007 Kia Sportage LX 2.7L V6

The 2007 Kia Sportage LX is a moderately difficult car to maintain, but a good choice for someone experienced in car maintenance. You will have to completely remove the headlight housing in order to access the turn signal bulb. This will require many steps, and many tools you may not have readily available for a repair. Removing the battery is more problematic on this model than on other vehicles. You will have to move the air filter intake out of the way for reliable access, requiring the use of tools to complete. In order to access the petcock, you will have to remove a panel from underneath the vehicle first. This will require you to remove a few bolts, which is a difficult process due to having to crawl under the vehicle to complete.

Some things are easier to repair on the 2007 Kia Sportage LX. The headlight is easy to access and replace on this vehicle, as you only have to reach behind the bulb housing for access to the cover and bulb. The oil drain plug is easily accessible beneath the vehicle. Other models will require you to remove a panel for access, so it’s a nice touch to be able to change your oil easier. Checking the engine coolant fluid level is easy to do, as the fluid reservoir is very visible in the engine bay.

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