The 2002 Toyota Highlander Limited is an easy vehicle to maintain. Many of the headlights are accessible by simply reaching behind the bulb housing, allowing you to change their bulbs without a problem. Similarly, the tail lights are all located behind a single panel in the trunk that removes without the use of any tools, allowing for reliable bulb changes whenever necessary. The engine air filter is easy to replace as its housing disengages without any tools and lifts up without hassle.
However, the 2002 Toyota Highlander Limited has its downsides. The wheel well lining will need to be removed to access the front turn signal, which may be a problem given its sharp rigidity. The glove box will need to be detached to access the cabin air filter, which won’t allow for reliable changes. The center brake light is not an LED bulb, thus requiring more maintenance over time.
Hans Angermeier ha producido más de 100,000 videos que muestran a los conductores cómo arreglar cosas en sus autos. Tiene una amplia experiencia en procedimientos básicos de reparación que cubren la mayoría de los automóviles en la carretera.