Vidéo d'évaluation des consommateurs - 2002 Ford Escort ZX2 2.0L 4 Cyl.

Problèmes courants et réparations faciles sur une Escort 2002

The 2002 Ford Escort ZX2 is a moderately easy vehicle to maintain, and a good choice for any vehicle owner. The components of the spare tire are easily accessible in the rear of the vehicle. This keeps the tire and jack kit ready to go in case of emergency. Changing the headlight with reliability is no problem, as you only have to reach behind the housing. The engine coolant reservoir is easily visible in the engine bay. This will allow you to check and replenish the fluid level on a regular basis.

Some things are problematic on the 2002 Ford Escort ZX2. You will have to use a few tools and work in a cramped space for access to the center brake light. Other models will make this access much easier. Accessing the interior fuse boxes can be tough, as you will have to make a tough reach under the steering wheel. You will need a few tools in order to remove the taillight housing for access to the tail light bulbs.


Hans Angermeier ha producido más de 100,000 videos que muestran a los conductores cómo arreglar cosas en sus autos. Tiene una amplia experiencia en procedimientos básicos de reparación que cubren la mayoría de los automóviles en la carretera.

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2002 Ford Escort ZX2 2.0L 4 Cyl. Batterie Changement

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2002 Ford Escort ZX2 2.0L 4 Cyl. Éclairage Feux de position arrière (remplacer ampoule)

Feu de position arrière grillé : bon prétexte pour un contrôle policier. Remplacez le vôtre dès maintenant.

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